Internships are an excellent opportunity for students interested in pursuing a career in politics or government. Our interns help staff with a variety of duties. Their primary role is to handle mail, assist with phones, help compile research, write legislative correspondence, attend committee hearings, gather news clippings, and assist with management of the constituent database.
Besides the above listed office duties, my staff works with interns to involve them in the educational opportunities available in Congress and Washington, D.C. For instance, the intern coordinator will keep interns aware of lectures and seminars taking place in and around the Capitol. We also coordinate tour activities for interns while they are in Washington.
I offer internships from September through December, January through May, and then through the summer. In the summer, my office will typically offer multiple four-week sessions. The deadlines for submitting applications are:
- Summer Sessions - March 1st
- Fall Semester - August 1st
- Spring Semester - November 8th
These are full-time internships and interns are responsible for their own housing. My staff will be happy to make housing suggestions. Additionally, my intern coordinator is very willing to work with college professors and interested students to design a specific internship that will fit both the office’s needs and the student’s needs.
Thank you again for your interest. If you have any additional questions, you may call my Washington office at (202) 224-5972.